Sunday, November 1, 2009


Some people (I'm not one of them) believe that the blank piece of paper is a dunting task. That the start of things is the most difficult thing an author does. I find that most writer's block advice deals with this stage so if you have difficulty finding the opening words just look around the internet or book store for these excerises. Here are some that I have saved from my favorite writing books:
  • remember to start in the middle of the story. The reader needs a hook and therefore start were they're action!!! Think about Fight Club-- the movie starts at the end of the actual story, but it's way more interesting to start with your main character with a gun in his mouth than with a man who finds he can't sleep and hates his job.
  • ways to start:
  • With a generalization-- Any man with a large fourtune is in hunt of a wife.
  • With a description (character or setting--though personal I find this one weak)
  • With a narrative summary--I was born...
  • With dialogue-- "Where were you last night," John asked
  • with serveral character but no dialogue-- Betty and Ralph silently ate they're food in the bar
  • with a setting and only 1 character-- Mary sat in central park alone on a Monday night.
  • with a reminiscent narrator-- THe summer of 1985 was when I first fall in love.
  • With a child narrator-- Mommy throw a potted plant at Daddy's head--after that we never saw him again.
  • By establishing point of view--Elm was an eldery lady or I never saw myself as old-- just not fresh.

Share with us: What's your first line? What's your favorite first line in a published book?

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