Saturday, October 25, 2008

Kansas Trip

So friend Labecca was in need of a computer, and it turns out that my job gave us great deals on our old computers. So we did a friendly exchange in Hays, Kansas. I wish I could say we had a great night on the town but really we just got to the hotel, drank at the bar, and then drank again in our room later. I tried a new beer called Shock (very similar to Blue Moon) and played what can we order that the kitchen actually has (apparently it was off season to visit Kansas). I also enjoyed the amazing bill board signs that advertised six legged cows and over 20 pound prairie dogs. On the boarder of Colorado and Kansas there is a McDonald's with video games for the kids (looked like Mario go-cart) and although everyone says the drive to Kansas is boring (which it did drain me more than driving to GJ which is the same distance) I did find many thing that were beautiful and photograph worthy-- unfortunately I was driving and couldn't pull over to take shots of everything that I wanted to. How can someone say that sunflower fields, black birds, old rusty trucks, grain elevators are anything but beautiful?

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