- Sign up with NaNoWriMo site or create your own goal. Write down this goal down somewhere where you can see it daily. Make sure that the goal has:
- a due date (Exp due date is November 30th at 11:59 PM)
- is attainable (50,000 words = roughly a 3.3 pages a day for a month)
- is measurable. (50,000 words)
2. Get the materials you need:
- How do you write? pens, paper, computer, ink, snacks etc.
- Where do you write: set up a space used for writing where you can keep it free from other distractions. Make sure to let family and friends know when you're writing so you won't be disturbed.
3. Set a Plan
- If you lead a busy life it's important to cut out time to focus on your writing. If that means cutting out an hour at the same time each day make sure you schedule it in to your life.
- Also make a plan on how you're going to handle writers' block or any other writing problems.
- Do the math. If you are only planning on writing on the weekends make sure you're hitting the right word count each time you write, or create extra time to dedicate to catching up.
4. Get support!!!
- Visit with other writer friends
- Join online communities that NaNoWriMo offers
- borrow or buy writing books or post inspirational sayings around your writing space
- attend writing groups in your area provided by libraries and other community hubs.
- Have a 'bitch-with-friend' that will listen and understands your writing pains
5. Write!!! As the saying goes 'A writer is someone that writes today.' You can't achieve any of your writing goals if you don't put your sweat and blood into it. So tie and gag your internal critic and let your hand fly across the page. Even if what you write is silly or stupid or doesn't fit into what you're trying to illustrate-- keep going.
Share with us: How do you set yourself up for a new project? Or what type of support or writing method really works for you?
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