Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Finanical Wednesday advice from Jean Chatzky 2010 calendar

In Case of Identity Theft...

  • File a police report immediately, then register as a victim on the Federal Trade Commission's website.

  • Contact the three credit reporting bureaus. Ask to have a victim's statement added to your file, so future applications for credit will be verified by you.

  • Go over your credit report with a fine-tooth comb. Zero in on new accounts and inquiries, which lower your credit score, and report them to the credit bureaus in writing.

  • Keep track of any correspondence you have with the credit bureaus about your identity theft. getting mistakes fixed can be a lengthy process, so record dates, times, and individuals you have talked to.

  • Only change your social security number if your name has been associated with bad checks and credit. it's a record-keeping nightmare.

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