Thursday, June 30, 2011

Music Project Month

It has occurred to me that I don't really know anything about music. When asked the ever popular first question of 'what type of music do you listen to?' the answer normally is a quick enthusiastic "EVERYTHING!" and an even quicker topic change. Or a more resounded "I don't listen to music" Which more or less ends the whole conversation. I just don't get the connection that others find with a sequence of notes. Maybe my lack of connection is that I haven't been introduce to 'my' music. Maybe it's because I'm a visual creature that rarely understands verbal directions without vast amounts of follow up questions.
So for the month of July I'm going to be a scholar of music and this is where I need your help.
Give me suggestions on what to listen to. Tell me what is your favorite songs and artist and why-- help me understand the passion that so many of you seem to have for music.


katina said...

I don't know - you sure seemed to like Metallica and Poison...

Since college, I haven't been nearly as into music either...I guess the only 'new' band that I've liked since college was one called Ghost Buffalo...but they also aren't around anymore (though you can still find their music).

Shawn has found a syncopated odd time signatures band that he likes - Maps and Atlases.

And I know quite a few people who like August Burns Red.

But yep, other than that, i listen to the radio, so your guess is as good as mine...Though I gotta say, I love death cab for cutie's Soul meets Body, and I don't think they play it nearly enough. Only really funny because I wasn't a fan back in college when they were always on tour at the small venues.

crimsonlantern said...

I scanned your posts and it seems you are getting a good variety but so far I haven't heard mention of the industrial realm - or at least I didn't see much during my scan and since I found a real niche in it after Hannah introduced me - I think that will be the area that she and I really strive to broaden your horizons to include. Love you and happy listening. <3

Anonymous said...

Okay - since Hannah was signed in on my compy - I accidentally posted my comment through her Gmail. Anyway - that was actually Amanda just as this is Amanda as well. XD