Cost: $3 per grow up (cheaper for children and seniors).
It's a good price for this little museum. You watch a 30 minute film about the life and death of Buffalo Bill. and then they have a good hallway for a timeline of his life, a whole section of the Wild West Show, a small corner for Sitting Bull information, and an area for Native American lifestyle. They also had a few interactive area's for kids to play to make it a little more interesting to them. The two surprising information that I learn was a) Buffalo Bill was a poor business man with many great ideas-- he just didn't know how to get them going and he ended up in debt for majority of his adult life. b)We had to fight for his body. A town in WY named Cody was founded by him and they believed the body should be buried there and Buffalo Bill's hometown in KS thought likewise. The city of Denver actually hired a tank to watch the grave yard until the cemented it when his wife died and was buried with him. there was a plan to build a large building over/around the grave with a library about the wild west and other things; however, not enough money was donated and they did without.
They also had a large tourist shop full of wonders that any six year old would love. So if your family likes history, I think this would be a good spot. You can also hike up to the grave and place coins on it; however, we didn't do it since the weather was turning. This is a good little detour if you're in the area.
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